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The Denver Blog

Only in Denver: Granny Dances to a Holiday Drum

One of Denver’s most inventive and established dance companies, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance (CPRD) blends dance, live music, the spoken word and customs from around the world into a holiday tradition, “Granny Dances to a Holiday Drum,” that has become a Colorado favorite. The ensemble’s home, the…

Only in Denver: Tom's Baby, a Priceless Chunk of Gold

In July 1887, Tom Groves and Harry Lytton were prospecting for gold near Breckenridge. They found more than they bargained for: a 13.5-pound nugget of crystalline gold, the biggest one ever found in Colorado. Groves swaddled it in a blanket for the…

Only in Denver: Unusual Vehicles at Forney Museum

At the Forney Museum of Transportation, just off of Interstate 70, the vehicular menagerie runs the gamut from toys to massive steam locomotives. The one-of-a-kind collection isn't just for gearheads; anyone who's traveled will find a compelling mode…

Only in Denver: The American Museum of Western Art

Cowboys and American Indians abound in downtown’s American Museum of Western Art – The Anschutz Collection (AMWA), where more than 300 paintings depicting Western life from the 1820s to today are on display. That two-century span translates to a wide…

Only in Denver: The Rough Riders Trophy Belt

Slaves of the Silver Serpent might sound like a heavy metal band, but they weren't an opening act for Black Sabbath in 1973. The group was actually a secretive fraternal club that emerged in Denver in the wake of the Silver Crash of 1893. To boost…

Only in Denver: The Wild Animal Sanctuary

A breeze stirs the tall prairie grasses, gulls soar overhead, the low sun warms the landscape’s rocky outcroppings, and a not too distant ow-ow-owwwwwww rings out—a single wolf song that soon becomes a chorus of howls. This is the scene as you step…

Only in Denver: Phamaly Theatre Company

Denver’s Phamaly Theatre Company has persevered and triumphed like its cast of performers. Its mission for nearly three decades has been to produce extraordinary theater and transform both the lives of actors with disabilities on the stage and people in the audience. Phamaly (pronounced “family”)…

Only in Denver: Meier Skis Takes on the World

The Mile High City is fortunate to have its very own Craft Skiery TM . To observe skis being handcrafted, purchase a pair, quaff a local craft brew and order up a sweet tune for any brand of equipment, head straight for Meier Skis at 970 Yuma St. near downtown and Interstate 25. Part of Colorado’s…

Only in Denver: Lakeside Amusement Park

One of the most historic parks in the country, Lakeside Amusement Park, is half attraction, half museum of mechanical, thrill-generating Americana. Its creators were inspired by the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition — a.k.a. the Chicago World's Fair — where the fairgrounds were nicknamed "White…