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The Denver Eco Friendly Travel CO2e Emissions Calculation Tool is an easy-to-use online tool that calculates Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Equivalent (e) emissions that result from your to and from Denver. It covers all aspects of your travel from air travel to ground transportation to hotel accommodations. After estimating your carbon footprint, you will have the option of purchasing carbon offsets, which help support new green energy efficiency and renewable energy projects geared toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This calculator was developed by Camco. Camco is a leading climate change business that assists organizations worldwide in turning their climate change liabilities into economic, social and environmental assets.
Denver is serious about sustainability with a LEED Gold convention center, green hotels, bike sharing, airport with solar panels and Greenprint Denver…
Find environmentally friendly hotels, event facilities, restaurants, breweries and more in the Denver metro area.
Find out how world-renowned Denver International Airport manages environmental impacts, from water bottle filling stations to recycling deicing fluid.
Be green by holding your conference or trade show at the Colorado Convention Center. Find out why it's the premier eco-friendly meeting space.
How sustainable are Denver hotels? Check out the survey that covers everything from waste management to energy conservation.