Denver Skyline Sunrise

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Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I update my web listing and contact information?
    • You can update your web listing, contact information and much more through the Partner Extranet.
  • What if I do not know my username?
  • What if I do not know my password?
    • From the Extranet Login Page, click on "Forgot Your Password" and enter your email address. Your password will be sent to you.
  • How do I add a picture to my web listing?
  • How do I add Facebook and Instagram feeds to my web listing?
    • If you would like to display content from your Instagram/Facebook accounts on your partner listing (which we encourage), you must convert your Instagram/Facebook accounts to a Business account. Click here to learn how to convert your accounts. Additionally, your Instagram business account must be tied to your Facebook business account. Click here for learn how to link your accounts.


  • How do I access the Convention & Meeting schedule?
    • You can access this report and many more through the Partner Extranet. The Convention & Meeting Schedule can be found under the "Reports" tab on the right-hand side. This is a level specific benefit for only Dining, President's and Chairman's level partners.
  • How do I learn more about my partnership benefits?
    • VISIT DENVER offers Partner Orientation the last Wednesday of each month. Come and learn more about the VISIT DENVER departments and participation opportunities for your business. Reservations are required. Contact Lauren Alexander for more information or to RSVP.


  • How do I set up brochure distribution?
    • If you would like to distribute your brochures to the Tourist Information Center, contact Lauren Alexander for details about size requirements and the number of brochures accepted. If you are interested in purchasing additional brochure distribution at the Colorado Convention Center, contact Katy Hoch.
  • How do I learn more about VISIT DENVER advertising opportunities?


  • How do I get in front of VISIT DENVER staff to talk about my business?
    • Every month, VISIT DENVER offers Partner Spotlight. This is your opportunity to present the products and services your business has to offer leisure travelers, tour groups and convention delegates. Reservations are required and you must attend Partner Orientation prior to presenting at Spotlight. Contact Lauren Alexander for more information or to RSVP.


  • How can I get a complete version of the Longwoods Report?
    • You can view a summary of the Longwoods Report on the News & Resources page, but please contact us if you would like to purchase the full version.


  • How do I become a partner of VISIT DENVER?


Depending on your access levels, there are various items that can be viewed in the Partner Extranet.

Please contact us at 303.571.9405 if you have questions regarding the contents of these reports.

Tourism is one of the largest industries in the City & County of Denver, and in the State of Colorado.

