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Colorado’s Western Slope is a treasure trove of mountains, mesas and canyons that are amazing backdrops for orchards, vineyards, ski slopes, golf courses and more. Head west out of Denver to reach the wine and peach country surrounding Palisade, with stops in Glenwood Springs for a soak and stay at Glenwood Hot Springs resort and a bike ride on the paved Rio Grande Trail or a quick drive south to Snowmass for all sorts of outdoor pastimes and festivals year-round. A Western Slope journey isn’t complete without a well-deserved respite southwest of Palisade at Gateway Canyons Resort & Spa, built by the Discovery Channel founder, which is both luxurious and educational and features the impressive Gateway Colorado Auto Museum. Another option is heading southwest from Denver through high country mountain ranchland surrounded by 14,000-foot peaks to reach Crested Butte, the Wildflower Capital of Colorado and one of the birthplaces of mountain biking.
155 miles from Denver straight west on I-70 will get you to the Western Slope where you can enjoy hot springs, wine and peach country and so much more.